Monday, June 30, 2014

When Life gives you lemons... Keep them for your beauty routine!

Want glowing skin?? Lemons Lemons! They provide so many skin, nail & hair benefits. This summer take your lemons, drink them, eat them and add them to your weekly beauty routineπŸ‘‰ here i will give you 5 beauty uses of this inexpensive easy to find and full of vitamins fruit. 

1- Lemons are great to fight against acne- if you suffer from acne, summer is not your best season. Lemons have  high antibacterial properties, take half glass of water and 1 squeezed lemon. Before going to bed apply this lemon tonner to your face leave it for 5 min and rinse it cold water. 

2- Boost your vitamin C!- once a week mix cold natural yogurt, green tea, honey and 1 lemon.- leave it for 10 min, this mask provides antioxidant protection

3- Blemishes??.. Prepare a lightening mask! Honey + tomatoe + lemon- mix this 3 ingredients and keep them cold before applying them in your face. Leave this mask from 5 to 10 min then rinse it out with warm water. It is very important to apply your daily sunscreen if you want the skin to even out its color. 

4- Give me strong nails! Make a mixture of almond oil and lemons. Soak your nails for a few minutes every week. Your cuticle and nails will hydrate, it is a great strengthener and also will keep your nails white. 

5- Clean scalp, strong hair- using lemon juice on the scalp works as a great clarificant shampoo. It cleans the scalp taking all the chemicals and products build up and improving hair follicles health. 

Have a great and beautiful week! 

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Big Sexy Eyes in 9 simple steps!

Who doesn't love big eyes?? πŸ™‹ i'm guilty! Even tough my eyes are big I always do some Makeup tricks to make them look more dollish. 
1- Eyelash Curler is a must. When you curl your lashes your eyes show more and off course they will look bigger
2- Underline your lower lid with white pencil. If your eyes are too big you can skip this step. 
3- with a flat thin brush and black shadow draw a ver thin line (from your iris to the end of the eye) and very close to your inner eyelashes. 
4- do the same thin line very very close to your lower eyelashes (keeping the white)
5- my lovely cat eye.. There is no sexy eyes without a cat eyeliner. Draw your cat eyeline from half of the upper eyelashes and finish a little bit out. Always going from thin to thick. 
6- with the same bronzer you use to draw attention to your cheeks (contour) create tome deepness in the crease of your eyes. 
7- fill your eyebrows and if you don't have a pronounced arch, create it. Remember eyebrows are very important they can really affect the way how your eye looks. 
8- mascara mascara mascara! My fav part of the Makeup. Applying 2 coats of a good volumizing mascara will make your eyelashes appear fuller giving that deep sexy look 

1- Sephora Eyelash Curler
2- Rimmel waterproof white pencil
3/4-Mac black Matte eyeshadow 
5- Mac Rapid Black Liquid Eyeliner
6- Tarte Bronzer 
7- Mac Brown Eyeshadow
8/9- CoverGirl Bombshell mascara

Monday, June 23, 2014

Drinking Water my daily struggle

Drinking Water, my daily struggle. 
When it comes to follow a health plan, I don't have problems lowering my carbs intake, or eating more protein but I must confess.. I have a daily fight with water. If you are like me and forget to drink water here will give you the important reasons why water should be part of your health planπŸ‘‰ 
1- Drinking Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids. Your body is composed of about 60% water. So.. No water? Our organs cannot function properly and fluids will not transport nutrients like they should. 
2- Water helps you control calories. When your brain sends the signals of dehydration you don't understand if what your body needs is food or water. Since you don't drink water you will eat!... Also fruits and vegetables are high in water so they will hydrate you while making you feel fuller. 
3- Water Helps Energize Muscles. Cells that don't maintain their balance of fluids and electrolytes result in muscle fatigue. Drinking water before, during and after exercise is a must! 
4- your skin!! Dehydration makes your skin look dull, wrinkles will show more, dark circles are pronounced and makeup will not last. 
Drink water! Cheat your brain and add some fruits! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

My Monday renewal mask!! Vitamin E! Baby skin after the weekend!

My Monday renewal mask!! Baby skin after the weekend! 
On mondays for sure our skin is tired from the sun exposure, dry from the alcohol & dull after all the salt we usually eat on sundays (chips etc etc) so every sunday have a 20min beauty routine to get your face radiant for the new week!! Pump that collagen into the skin!  mix: vitamin E (around 3 capsules)- half cup cold plain yogurt- 1/2 lemon & around 2 honey scoops ⌚️ leave it for 20min and voila!  face ready to shine all week!! 

My Healthy Green Mojito

This is my - anti cellulite mojito πŸ‘ΈπŸ’šπŸƒ Food for my skin☝️πŸ‹πŸ

2 pineapple rounds 

1/2 cucumber 

1 spinach serving 

Some mint leaves 

This green juice is perfect to hydrate our bodys from inside out, our skin will look flawless after a week of drinking, is a natural and complete diuretic juice!!